Francesco Brunello

Stefano + Piumi

Alberobello - Ostuni - Lecce

We met, albeit virtually, for the first time in 2019.

I was in my photo studio, Piumi in London and Stefano in Dubai.

When I asked them why Puglia, they told me that’s where they met. Then, however, we all had to face a global pandemic and, therefore, Stefano and Piumi had to postpone engagement and marriage. Not once but twice: in 2020 they were obviously obliged by the various bans imposed. In 2021, however, the situation in London was more complex. Even if in Italy religious celebrations were allowed with some restrictions, it was necessary to do 15 days of quarantine and Piumi had not yet tried on his dress.

They told me that in (re)organizing the wedding together with all the staff of Villa Caroli Zanchi, they realized that just this year they would have celebrated 15 years of engagement and therefore, among the various work commitments around the world, exactly on the day of their anniversary, we were in Puglia.

We had the plane that took us to Bari at dawn. The sun was shining in Bari.

Puglia is a bit of my second home, you already know that every year I go to Puglia for summer holidays with my family but together with Piumi and Stefano I have visited cities that I had never had the opportunity to visit.

We are in the Itria Valley and between Ostuni and Alberobello we let ourselves be guided by the white walls along the roads that wind through ancient olive groves and rich and luxuriant vegetation. I was amazed as soon as I set foot in Lecce, it is a real open-air museum, a concentrate of elegance and beauty. And then we arrived on Mars: red and orange shades of land embrace an emerald green lake. It seemed to be in one of the American parks on the west coast and instead we were in Otranto, in the Bauxite quarry.

Right from the morning I started researching and letting myself be guided by intuition: I wanted to tell about the love born in those streets. In the end, as always happens, I also told about myself, who I am and my dreams.

For more info on your engagement reportage, write me!

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