Francesco Brunello

Ivan + Caterina

Ristorante Le due Colombe - Brescia

We are in a 900’s tower, near Bergamo.
Inside we are struck by the details. We are immediately attracted to a piano and then our eye falls on some seats that we recognize immediately, they are of the Seletti brand.

Ivan is getting ready with is best man, Caterina wears the most beautiful thing a woman can wear, the smile of a mother.

An old Porche awaits her to take her to the church. Here, all the guests are waiting in the churchyard together with Ivan, they will enter together.

Do you remember that I have already told you about non-verbal communication? That the more you look for each other with the looks or gestures during the ceremony, the more this part will also shine through in the photos? Here, from these shots you realize just this, the feeling that binds these two people.

A shower of white petals to reach the restaurant Le Due Colombe where the flower designers of Bohèm have set up the space for dinner, leaving everyone speechless!

An intimate reception at the Le Due Colombe Restaurant, with few guests and a single common denominator: the emotions, those we noticed in the eyes of Caterina’s mother or Ivan’s father at the entrance to the church, those of their grandparents, present from beginning at the end, of their closest friends, of the people with whom they share their daily lives and have shared the joy of becoming parents soon and of being husband and wife.

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