Francesco Brunello


IWP - 2022

The results of the INTERNATIONAL WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR 2022 are out but I take a step back.

I found myself researching some Latin word meanings and came across this word, compete.
I admit that it caught my attention, almost as if it were tugging at my sweater.
I have noticed that we misrepresent the true meaning of “compete”. Referring to the etymological meaning of the word, compete derives from the Latin con- e petere which means “to ask, to go together, to converge towards the same point” which has nothing to do with the idea we have today of the race or challenge, in the sport, in economics or in love.

Then I came across another word, competence, and so the meanings changed: someone who knows, he has competence, who knows, has experience, culture or other qualities that make a person competent in a certain area, who knows expound his thesis, arguing it, and refute his antithesis. Therefore, it is necessary surround oneself with the skills of others, make them work in synergy for a common purpose, ex-sistere, in the sense of bringing one’s ego out of oneself.

We could talk about sharing then—that’s why I’m so grateful to be a part of the world of the wedding industry.

The INTERNATIONAL WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR  allows photographers from all over the world to share, show and present their work in different categories.

The results of the IWP – INTERNATIONAL WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR 2022 contest have come out and three of my photographs have been awarded, I rank a first place in the DANCE FLOOR category, a second place in the BRIDAL PARTY category and I reach the TOP 20 of the ENGAGEMENT/NOT WEDDING category.

As always, the first thanks goes to you, who believe in me – sometimes even sooner than I can, to the judges and to all the other photographers who have decided to share their work.

Competing is competing, but also sharing values.

1st place category DANCE FLOOR IWP

2st place category BRIDAL PARTY IWP


See you soon!

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